Ayahuasca - Soul Medicine
Most of all, I would like for you to meet us in person and therefore be able to formulate your own opinion about all of us. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading what we think about ourselves…

My interest in plants and their properties started over 14 years ago. Now it is my biggest passion, my hobby and most of all, my joy. I quickly found out that healing people’s bodies and spirits is my life’s mission – a mission which I can fulfil through work with plants, which I see as God’s gift to humanity. My first contact with Ayahuasca happened in 2005. After that, first for 12, and then through another 8 consecutive months I deepened my contact with Ayahasaca and jurema by drinking decoctions, rubbing plants directly on to my skin, inhaling and tasting their different forms. During that time I led very small - intimate in nature - workshops for friends and family. Thanks to all of that, during sleep and while awake, I developed the connection with my super-consciousness (“the source”, “God”, “wholly energy”). In those instances I received very clear instructions on how to work with plants, how to cook decoctions, what to eat in order to improve one’s life, etc. And still, up to this moment I do my work with much satisfaction and good results. It is both the greatest, as well as the most difficult adventure of my life; it is full of the dangerous pitfalls of one’s ego and it's very challenging due to our European mindsets as well as European laws and regulations. At the same time it has so many benefits and blessings directly from the Spirit of the plants.
At the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 I spent one and a half months in Peru. During that time I spent 30 days in the jungle eating a diet of a very rare, highly sought after plant which is extremely valued by shamans – Noya Rao. With my very own eyes I’ve seen it illuminated at night. Noya Rao is the key to the world of beings of pure light, which is one level lower than the world of the Gods.
Overall I was very firmly rooted in the shamanism of South America. Everything changed when I went to Brazil at the end of 2014. I experienced an incredible mix of cultures, traditions, unprecedented openness and the freedom and wealth of Santo Daime. Today, I can call Norberto – my 10 day workshop leader – my mentor. His strongest characteristics are fearlessness and openness. He is a very laid back, warm and unbounded individual. Since then everything changed…
Now, in 2015 I hope to take to him as many people as possible. I can confidently say that Brazil is very close to my heart.
My personal views and opinions
I do not believe in religion and I do stay away from politics. Why? Because I like when things are practical. I believe that all matter consists of vibrating and ever changing energy. This energy develops our external world in accordance with our internal ideas, beliefs, views and opinions. This is why we “attract” our circumstances and we encounter people in our lives who represent specific aspects of our (often displaced) subconscious - especially those aspects that we so often try to deny in ourselves. All of this in order to help us grow and develop our consciousness; it’s a never ending process and the one and only goal of human existence.

I am 25 years old, and since I can remember I always had a great interest in subnormal states of consciousness and spiritual development in general.
I had my first contact with plants at the age of 18; I have worked with Ayahuasca for the past two years. During our ceremonies I support healing processes by introducing and working with sounds of gongs, Tibetan singing bowls or crystal bowls. I believe that sound is the underlying foundation of everything. By changing structures and patterns that compose our bodies, we are able to correct our emotional patterns, which in turn, are the cause of all of our physical and mental illnesses.
In 2014 I became an adept of Kundalini Yoga and since then I’ve been spending my time trying to learn the theory as well as the practice of this most secret system of self-improvement and spiritual development.

Hello! My name is Konrad; music is my life’s passion. My first instrument was a guitar. I was a young lad when I understood (felt) that music is my life’s path. After learning the guitar I got involved with singing, then the piano, percussion instruments and so on… This resulted in the fact that in the most recent years of my life I’ve had the chance and privilege to learn from, play with and share experiences and passion for music with musicians from all over the world. Brand new horizons opened up when in January of 2015 I joined work with plants with my passion for music. Now I am very happy that I can constantly develop myself as well as share my positive energy with others.

More information:   www.ayahuasca.org.pl