About us

I have always been fascinated by the deepest secrets of our reality, consciousness and anything that may give us an answer to the explanation behind existence of our incredible World that we exist in. My greatest passion are people, however to understand them well I firstly recognised that I need to deeply understand myself. I managed to do that thanks to the work with Sacred plants, and it was them who opened my eyes so that once for all I could truly see the World around me

In 2014 I travelled to Peru, where my heart was won by incredible jungle plant - Ayahuasca. Her wisdom and love turned out to be just a gateway to a magical and beautiful world of Sacred Plants and Mushrooms. Wachuma (San Pedro), Psilocybin Mushrooms, Changa - each of them brought me answers to most of the eternally bothering me questions. It is these plants and mushrooms that have allowed me to understand that the answer is best to be looked for inside yourself and not in the outside world.

Plants and Mushrooms are entities, that need to be treated with due respect. Each and every one of them has its own personal power and this is why we should develop a unique approach to every one of them. When we get to understand that their true potential is hidden in dialogue that arises between human and a plant, then we get to experience something that is one of the greatest aspects of our life - the divine connection between man and nature.

In 2015 I got to meet - in my opinion - the most potent of the plants Salvia Divinorum, Salvia of Sage. This experience, which I repeated twice later, fascinated me entirely and the conclusions that I got to receive, kept on coming for long months after our meeting. To this day I found Salvia Divinorum experience the most awakening moments of my life's journey.

At this moment of time, I reside in United Kindom, where I meet people with shamans, help to organise ceremonies and carry out Kambo - natural vaccination - something that I learned to do 2 years ago.

In near future, it is my dream and a plan to host ceremonies with Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric). This incredible Mushroom needs to be given a space and its presence needs to be properly acknowledged among all the rest of Sacred Plants and Mushrooms. Amanita in my view is a Holy Graal, which secret was hidden before us and not without a reason. This is because it holds a key to the gate between dormant Slavonic consciousness and divine connection - something that we need in today's turbulent times.