Shamanic work is mainly based on the conviction that everything has a soul and is interconnected. Therefore, mastering the basic techniques of shamanic is quite easy for many people. This experience is not any kind of magic, but intensive contact with life beyond what you see over the surface.

The spiritual world is just a different level of reality that allows us a deeper perception of our human existence. Nothing supernatural meets us here, but something deeply natural, something that comes out positively to meet us. Therefore shamanic path should be conducted with the heart, it leads us back to our soul, our own truth and that's the only way to heal. Spirits of the sacred plants, mushrooms and animals are our guides in the spiritual world. They help us to connect with our soul and find a way to remember who we really are.

Reality shows that in our culture the shamanic work has its important place, because a lot can be done for the benefits others. Previously, shamans were mainly responsible for the survival of the tribe, so than a strong and lasting resonance of the shamanic path in modern Western society could indicate that more and more of us question the reason of existence on the planet. This spiritual path, as old as humanity itself, is now being used again in the face of our internal and external nature, to contribute to bring back the balance and harmony. Everything is connected with everything, because everything has a soul. If we can return to the deep connection to our consciousness, we can heal ourselves and the Earth.





Dragon`s blood

Palo Santo


Agua de Florida


White Salbei